Leadership Development Program
Build Trust & Rapport
Enhance Engagement & Communication
Foster Strategic Thinking & Planning
Enhance Problem Solving & Decision Making
Maximize Your Performance
Great organizations require great leaders: Men and Women who inspire performance, are committed to creating a better future, and recognize that 21st century demand the capacity to lead in a highly uncertain and rapidly changing environment.
Let’s start with few questions:
Are you looking at building trust, engagement and effective communication skills in your organization?
Are you ready to grow the capacity of your team?
Are you ready to address conflict avoidance and non-resolution?
Do you want to maximize the creativity, productivity and performance of your teams?
Are you looking at developing high potential employees and groom new emerging leaders?
Do you want leaders to master self-leadership, others-leadership, and organizational leadership?
In a time of constant volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, organizations across the public and private sectors, corporates, educational institutes, households, and individuals alike are embracing leadership coaching interventions as an integral part of their leadership development program and a great way to enhance and accelerate the process, while creating a coaching and leadership culture that supports ongoing learning.
Tailored to sponsor's development competency framework requirements, the transformational Leadership Development group/team coaching program - with its focus on raising awareness, goal setting, action planning and accountability - provides many options to grow and groom new emerging and seasoned leaders, through an interactive coaching approach, tools, activities, and fieldwork allowing participants to go through a profound learning experience and leading them to think critically from a position of leading self, leading others, and leading the organization.
Organizations benefit from the scalability factor which steers a greater cascade effect and cross-functional fertilization among different functions within the organization, through the relationships & conversations that happen among peers, leading to cultural change overtime and enhanced retention of learning.
Participants get tremendous benefits from group/team coaching through collective peer learning, commonly referred to as the “collective wisdom of the group”. This peer learning is often as important as the interaction with the coach; it breaks down organizational silos, opens up communication channels with multiple perspectives, creates new dynamics and a valuable network across the group.
Research from the “International Coaching Federation” (ICF) has identified increased productivity, positivity, and return on investment (ROI) from coaching as such:
Work Performance by 70%
Self-Confidence by 80%
Business Management by 61%
Relationships by 73%
Time Management by 57%
Communication Skills by 72%
Team Effectiveness by 51%
Work/Life Balance by 67%
Leading self, leading others and leading the organization are exciting endeavors!